Mastering Modern Resume Writing for Applicant Tracking Systems

Mastering Modern Resume Writing for Applicant Tracking Systems

In the contemporary job market, the resume remains a crucial tool for career advancement. However, the landscape of job applications has evolved, demanding a strategic approach to resume writing. At STS Technical Services, we recognize the significance of adapting to these changes, especially when it comes to navigating applicant tracking systems (ATS) used by most companies today.

Understanding Applicant Tracking Systems

Applicant tracking systems are software applications that enable the electronic handling of recruitment needs. An ATS is used to filter and rank the numerous job applications companies receive. Understanding how these systems work is critical in ensuring your resume doesn’t get overlooked.

Crafting an ATS-Friendly Resume

  1. Keyword Optimization: The most crucial aspect of an ATS-friendly resume is keyword optimization. This involves incorporating specific words and phrases from the job description. However, keyword stuffing can work against you. The key is to integrate these terms naturally into your resume.
  2. Standard Formatting: While creativity in a resume can be appealing, an ATS may not accurately parse unique layouts or exotic fonts. Stick to standard fonts like Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri, and use a clean, straightforward format.
  3. Tailoring Your Resume: Generic resumes are a thing of the past. For each application, tailor your resume to align with the job description. Highlight relevant experiences, skills and accomplishments that directly relate to the job requirements.
  4. Showcasing Achievements: Instead of listing job duties, focus on your achievements in each role. Quantify these wherever possible. For example, “Increased sales by 20% in one year” is more impactful than “Responsible for sales.”
  5. Education and Certifications: Clearly list your educational qualifications and any relevant certifications. These are often key criteria in ATS algorithms.
  6. Professional Summary: Include a concise professional summary at the top of your resume. This should encapsulate your core competencies and career goals, incorporating keywords relevant to the roles you are targeting.

Advanced Tips for Modern Resumes

  1. ATS-Compatible File Types: Save your resume in a file format compatible with ATS software, typically a Word document (.docx) or a PDF.
  2. Avoid Tables and Graphics: ATS often cannot read text embedded in tables or graphics. Keep your resume layout simple.
  3. Use Standard Section Headings: Stick to traditional headings like “Work Experience,” “Education,” and “Skills” as ATS may not recognize creative titles.
  4. Incorporate a Skills Section: Have a clear section for skills. Include both hard skills (like specific software competencies) and soft skills (like leadership or communication).
  5. Utilize Social Media: Consider adding a link to your LinkedIn profile. Ensure your profile complements your resume and is also optimized for keywords.

Final Steps Before Submission

Before submitting your resume, proofread meticulously. Typos and grammatical errors can negatively impact ATS evaluations. Additionally, consider getting feedback from mentors or industry professionals.

That’s a Wrap

At STS Technical Services, we understand that mastering the art of modern resume writing is crucial for success in today’s job market. By crafting an ATS-friendly resume, you not only increase your chances of getting noticed but also demonstrate your awareness of modern recruitment processes. Remember, a resume is more than a document, it’s your professional narrative, make it compelling and ATS-ready.

The Art of Resume Writing: Insights from STS Technical Services

The Art of Resume Writing: Insights from STS Technical Services

In today’s competitive job market, crafting a resume that stands out is more challenging than ever. At STS Technical Services, we understand the complexities of this task and the importance of making a great first impression. A resume is not just a document; it’s a personal advertisement, a unique story that needs to be told compellingly.

One of the primary reasons writing a resume is difficult is the balancing act it requires. You must succinctly showcase your skills, experiences, and achievements while keeping the content concise and engaging. The resume must be tailored not just to the job you’re applying for, but also to the company’s culture and the industry’s current trends.

The struggle often lies in articulating your professional journey. Many job seekers find it challenging to objectively evaluate and present their experiences. It’s not just about listing job duties; it’s about highlighting how those duties were performed exceptionally. The goal is to paint a picture of a proactive, result-oriented professional.

Another significant challenge is staying updated with the ever-evolving norms of resume writing. What was acceptable or popular a few years ago might now be obsolete. This includes understanding the role of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) which many companies use to screen resumes. Ensuring your resume is ATS-friendly while still being human-readable is a fine art.

So, how can you make your resume stand out? At STS Technical Services, we advocate for a strategic approach. First, understand the job you are applying for. Research the company and the specific requirements of the position. This insight will guide you in customizing your resume to resonate with the potential employer.

Focus on achievements rather than just responsibilities. Quantify your accomplishments where possible. Did you increase sales, reduce costs, improve efficiency, or lead a successful project? These concrete examples demonstrate your impact and set you apart.

Don’t underestimate the power of a well-structured, visually appealing resume. Use a clean, professional format with strategic use of white space and bullet points to enhance readability. While creativity can be a plus in certain industries, clarity and professionalism are always in style.

Moreover, in this digital age, consider building an online portfolio or a professional LinkedIn profile to complement your resume. These platforms offer more space to detail your professional story and showcase your work.

Lastly, always remember that a resume is not set in stone. It should be a living document that evolves with your career. Regular updates and tweaks based on your growing experiences and changing industry trends are essential.

In conclusion, writing a resume is indeed a challenging task, but it’s also an opportunity to reflect on your professional journey and present yourself as the ideal candidate. At STS Technical Services, we believe that with the right strategy, attention to detail, and a touch of creativity, your resume can open doors to exciting new career opportunities.

Top 5 Resume Tips for Veterans Waving Goodbye to Camo

Top 5 Resume Tips for Veterans Waving Goodbye to Camo

Hey there, Veterans! Are you ready to trade in your combat boots for a snazzy pair of wingtips? It’s your pals at STS Technical Services here, and we’re locked and loaded with insider intel that’ll turn your military resume into a civilian employment magnet. So, let’s embark on a mission to transform your service stripes into pinstripes with these five battle-tested resume tips!

1. Camouflage to Corporate: Translate Your Military Lingo

Listen up, troop! The corporate world might not understand our talk about “FUBAR” or “snafus,” but they sure will get excited about “strategic planning” and “crisis management.” It’s time to demilitarize your resume. Trade in those acronyms for clear, jargon-free language that even a civilian can salute. Remember, it’s not just a “recon mission,” it’s “comprehensive market research.”

2. Your Secret Weapon: Highlighting Transferable Skills

Whether you’ve been navigating the seas or the skies, you’ve got a cargo hold of transferable skills. Leadership? Check. Teamwork? You bet! The ability to stay calm when the espresso machine breaks? Absolutely. Let’s put those skills front and center. After all, you didn’t just serve; you acquired a skillset that’s as valuable in the boardroom as it is on the battlefield.

3. Operation Experience: Civilianize Your Achievements

Your military missions have been all about teamwork, precision, and execution under pressure. It’s time to debrief your potential employers on your accomplishments without needing a security clearance. Quantify your victories with stats and figures that’ll make civilian employers stand at attention. Managed a team? That’s leadership. Saved the day? That’s problem-solving. Make it so compelling that even a drill sergeant would smile.

4. Recon Your References: Gather Your Civilian Allies

Sure, your commanding officer knows you’re the best, but what about Mr. Smith from the non-profit where you volunteered? Or perhaps Ms. Johnson from the part-time gig you tackled between drills? These are the civilian allies who’ll vouch for your transition from tactical to practical. Choose references who can speak to your character and work ethic in civilian speak. Rally the troops!

5. Dress to Impress: A Resume That Salutes Your Future

Your resume is your first impression, so let’s make sure it’s more polished than a freshly shined pair of boots. Use a clean, modern format that passes inspection at first glance. Bullet points are your friends, and white space is your secret ally. This is no time for a disorderly conduct of fonts and graphics. Keep it sharp, soldier!

March On

Marching into the civilian workforce doesn’t have to be a solo mission. With these top-secret tips from your strategic partners at STS Technical Services, you’re ready to conquer the job front. Remember, your service has already proven your dedication and discipline; now let’s showcase it on paper. Dismissed!

How to Craft a High-Flying Aircraft Maintenance Resume

How to Craft a High-Flying Aircraft Maintenance Resume

Hey there, skywalkers and wrench wizards of the aviation world! 2024 is almost upon us, and the future of aircraft maintenance is as exciting as a clearance for a direct takeoff on a sunny day. You’ve got the skills, the know-how, and the can-do attitude that makes the industry thrive. But, if your resume still looks like it belongs in the hangar, it’s time for an upgrade. Let’s turbocharge that resume and make it ready for a stratospheric career journey, brought to you by the team at STS Technical Services, where we connect ace techs like you with top-flight opportunities.

1. Crafting Your Aircraft Maintenance Technician Resume

Think of your resume as your personal aircraft, where every part must work flawlessly to ensure a successful mission. Start with a clean, well-structured format. Use bullet points to make your qualifications easily scannable and ensure your most impressive achievements stand out like beacon lights. Begin with a compelling summary that encapsulates your experience and certifications – it’s the take-off roll of your resume.

2. Essential Skills for an Aviation Mechanic Resume

Your hands-on skills are your main landing gear, so let’s make sure they’re locked and displayed for impact. List your technical abilities, such as knowledge of hydraulic systems, avionics, and propulsion, and don’t forget the soft skills that show you’re as good with a team as you are with a torque wrench. Skills like problem-solving, attention to detail, and communication are the shiny rivets that hold the whole plane together.

3. What Skills to Highlight for a Career in Aviation

Aviation is not just about fixing; it’s about foreseeing. As the industry evolves, so should your skill set. Are you up-to-date with the latest tech, like drone maintenance or electric aircraft systems? Can you navigate the complex airways of regulatory compliance? Show that you’re not just riding the jet stream – you’re ahead of it. Include continuous education and any advanced certifications that add extra thrust to your qualifications.

4. The Look of a Modern Aviation Resume

In an era where flight decks are sleek and digital, your resume should be, too. Use modern, sans-serif fonts and a touch of color (think navy blue or aero-gray, not airshow red) to catch the eye without distracting from the content. Include links to your professional online profiles or portfolios that showcase your work. And just like a well-balanced aircraft, keep it balanced with white space and content.

Now, let’s dive into the specifics with a quick pre-flight checklist for your resume:

  • Contact Info: Clear and correct. No room for error here, captain.
  • Summary: Engaging and energetic. Think of it as your personal call sign.
  • Experience: Detailed and dynamic. Highlight your maintenance missions with measurable successes.
  • Education and Certifications: Up to date and relevant. They’re your license to lift.
  • Skills: Matched and mastered. Tailor them to the job like a custom-fitted flight suit.
  • Layout: Clean and crisp. Make it as easy to read as a well-laid-out instrument panel.

Before we taxi to the runway, remember that in the aircraft maintenance industry, precision is everything. Proofread your resume like you’re doing a pre-flight inspection – no loose screws or typos allowed.

So, aircraft maintenance mavens, are you ready for takeoff? With these tips, your resume is now cleared for departure to the destination of your dreams. And when you land that interview, remember that STS Technical Services is here to co-pilot your career to new heights. Gear up, throttle set, and let’s fly high in your career sky!

The Profound Significance of Veterans Day in 2023

The Profound Significance of Veterans Day in 2023

Every year on November 11th, people across the United States gather to honor and pay tribute to the heroes who have selflessly served their nation. Veterans Day, observed in 2023 on November 11th, is more than just a day off from work; it’s a day to express gratitude, to remember, and to reflect on the profound importance of veterans in our lives.

A Day to Remember & Reflect

Veterans Day, a federal holiday, is a time for the nation to remember and thank all veterans, living or deceased, for their sacrifices. But why is it so important to dedicate a whole day to them?

Honoring Sacrifices

The significance of Veterans Day is deeply rooted in acknowledging the sacrifices made by our servicemen and women. Veterans have put their lives on the line, been away from their families for extended periods, and faced physical and mental challenges that most of us can’t even imagine. Recognizing these sacrifices is the least we can do to show our appreciation.

Freedom & Security

Veterans have played a pivotal role in safeguarding the freedoms we often take for granted. From World War I to the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, they have fought to ensure our nation’s security and liberty. By honoring them on Veterans Day, we remember the price of freedom and the vigilance required to preserve it.

A Sense of Community

Veterans Day brings communities together. It’s a day when people from all walks of life come together to celebrate our heroes. Parades, ceremonies, and public gatherings are held throughout the country, creating a sense of unity and shared purpose.

Expressing Gratitude on Veterans Day

On Veterans Day, it’s crucial to express gratitude to the veterans we know and those we may encounter. While saying “thank you for your service” is a thoughtful gesture, there are many ways to show appreciation:

  1. Volunteer: Offer your time to veteran support organizations or visit a VA hospital to assist and spend time with veterans.
  2. Learn Their Stories: Many veterans have unique experiences to share. Take the time to listen to their stories, as it provides an opportunity to understand the sacrifices they’ve made.
  3. Donate: Support veterans by donating to reputable organizations that provide resources and assistance to veterans in need.
  4. Advocate: Be an advocate for veterans’ rights and issues, ensuring they receive the care and benefits they deserve.

Gestures of Gratitude

In 2023, Veterans Day holds an even more profound significance as the world faces various challenges. By taking a moment to remember and appreciate the sacrifices, courage, and commitment of our veterans, we not only honor the past but also ensure a brighter future. Whether you spend the day attending parades, visiting a VA hospital, or simply saying “thank you,” your gesture of gratitude makes a world of difference to the heroes who have served this great nation.

So, this Veterans Day, let us unite as a nation, express our heartfelt thanks, and ensure that the importance of this day continues to be recognized for generations to come.

Consider a Career as an E&I Technician or Maintenance Mechanic at Nichiha USA in Macon, Georgia

Why You Should Consider a Career as an Operator Technician at Nichia USA in Macon, Georgia

Are you an aspiring Electrical and Instrumentation (E&I) Technician or a skilled Maintenance Mechanic looking for a career path that fuses your technical skills with professional growth and fulfillment? Look no further. At Nichiha USA in Macon, Georgia, your journey begins with the opportunity of a lifetime.

Nichiha USA: A Home for Your Talent

For over 40 years, Nichiha has been a global leader in manufacturing fiber cement siding and cladding solutions. With a strong commitment to innovation, quality, and sustainability, Nichiha has set high industry standards. This commitment extends to their workforce.

At Nichiha USA, you’ll join a team driven by a shared vision: to transform the building industry. E&I Technicians and Maintenance Mechanics play pivotal roles in this transformation. They are the behind-the-scenes experts who keep the machinery and technology running smoothly.

Reasons to Consider an E&I Technician Position at Nichiha USA

  • Career Development Opportunities: Nichiha takes pride in fostering professional growth. As an E&I Technician or Maintenance Mechanic, you’ll have access to continuous training and development programs, both technical and leadership-based. You’ll work with advanced industrial equipment and automation technologies, gaining invaluable experience that can elevate your career.
  • Innovative Technology: Nichiha is at the forefront of technology adoption. E&I Technicians and Maintenance Mechanics have the chance to work with state-of-the-art equipment, ensuring their skillsets remain relevant and cutting-edge in an ever-evolving industry.
  • Work-Life Balance: Nichiha values work-life balance. E&I Technicians and Maintenance Mechanics at Nichiha USA enjoy a structured work schedule that offers predictability and stability, allowing for quality time outside of work.
  • Safety First: Safety is a core value at Nichiha. You’ll work in an environment where your well-being is a top priority. Safety training, practices, and equipment are meticulously maintained.
  • Competitive Compensation: Nichiha USA offers competitive salaries and a comprehensive benefits package that includes health, dental, vision, and retirement plans. Your dedication will be rewarded.
  • Community and Culture: At Nichiha, you’re not just an employee; you’re part of a tight-knit community. The company’s strong company culture and social activities create a friendly and inclusive atmosphere.
  • Sustainable Impact: Nichiha is committed to environmental sustainability. As an E&I Technician or Maintenance Mechanic, you can be proud of contributing to a company that prioritizes eco-friendly practices.
  • Career Advancement: Nichiha promotes from within. Your dedication and performance as an E&I Technician or Maintenance Mechanic can open doors to leadership roles within the company.

How to Join the Nichiha USA Team

Nichiha USA seeks E&I Technicians and Maintenance Mechanics with a strong technical background, a commitment to safety, and a passion for innovation. By becoming part of the Nichiha team, you’ll be joining a community of professionals dedicated to creating a better, more sustainable future for the construction industry.

Are you ready to harness your technical skills and embark on a journey of professional growth? Consider an E&I Technician or Maintenance Mechanic position at Nichiha USA in Macon, Georgia, and take the first step toward a rewarding and fulfilling career. Your future starts here!

An Ode to Aircraft Mechanics: An STS Technical Services’ Poem

In hangars vast, where engines roar,

Aircraft mechanics toil and soar.

With wrench in hand and oil-stained grace,

They navigate each metal space.


They battle bolts that won’t let go,

And tackle leaks that like to flow.

With puzzled brows and sleeves rolled high,

They never fear to touch the sky.


Oh, the tales they tell of nuts and screws,

And how they chase that last oil ooze.

From dawn ’til dusk, they work their might,

To keep those planes in flawless flight.


They dance with wires, cables too,

As grease and grime become their hue.

They whisper secrets to each part,

And mend the pieces of the heart.


The tools they wield, both old and new,

Are like an orchestra’s every cue.

With hammer’s beat and ratchet’s song,

They fix what’s broken, right the wrong.


Noisy engines, jets that scream,

Are like the soundtrack to their dream.

They troubleshoot with furrowed brows,

While jet fuel scents their work-worn clothes.


And when the skies are clear and bright,

They watch their birds take off in flight.

With gleaming eyes, they wave goodbye,

Their hands creating pathways to the sky.


So here’s to you, mechanics bold,

With stories countless, yet untold.

You keep us soaring, safe and sound,

As you work your magic all around.

STS Technical Services: Weekly Hot Jobs List

Weekly Hot Jobs List

Hello, everyone. We have some exciting career opportunities for you to consider, and you can check them out by clicking on one of the links below.

If you would like to have an STS Technical Services’ Recruiter help you land your next job, give us a call at 1-800-357-4787. We charge nothing for this service.

A few things to keep in mind before you apply…

  1. We are unable to sponsor work visas at this time.
  2. You must be authorized to work for any employer in the United States (U.S. Jobs) or the United Kingdom (U.K. Jobs). We apologize, but there are no exceptions to this at present.

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, click on one of the links below to see what’s available and apply online in less than 60 seconds.

Aircraft Maintenance Careers:
Aircraft Engineering Careers:
Skilled Trade Jobs:
Technical Jobs:
Defense Jobs:
Professional Positions:
Direct Hire:
STS Corporate Jobs:

There are a ton of opportunities to explore within each link, so go ahead and click one to get started.

If you have questions about pay and / or benefits, please call 1-800-359-4787.

If you have questions about positions in the United Kingdom, that number is +44 (0) 7599 654 660.

Thanks for your time, and best of luck in your search.

STS Technical Services

Unveiling the Circus of Resume Writing: A Hilarious Journey into the Absurd

Unveiling the Circus of Resume Writing A Hilarious Journey into the Absurd

Resume writing, the great spectacle of the job-hunting circus, is a perplexing dance where we all put on our best show to impress potential employers. It’s a land of peculiar expectations and mind-boggling contradictions, leaving job seekers scratching their heads and wondering if they accidentally wandered into a parallel universe. Join us on a comical journey as we unveil the absurdity of resume writing and laugh at the circus acts we all perform to stand out.

The Tightrope of Brevity and Detail

Picture This: A tightrope walker balancing on a thin line, trying to showcase all their skills while maintaining brevity. Yes, that’s us attempting to condense a lifetime of accomplishments into a single-page resume. We’re expected to list our entire professional history, but wait! Keep it short and concise! No more than one page, please!

“Dear employer, I am a multitalented, highly skilled unicorn with 20 years of experience in a single page.”

The Circus of Keywords

Ladies and gentlemen, gather ’round for the great keyword extravaganza! Want to pass the magical Applicant Tracking System (ATS)? Prepare to stuff your resume with buzzwords like “synergy,” “go-getter,” and “ninja.” Apparently, the more unrelated keywords you sprinkle, the better your chances of being noticed. Who knew ATS was secretly run by word-hungry parrots?

The Acrobat of Job Titles

Have you ever seen someone juggle job titles like flaming batons? Well, resume writers do it with flair! In the land of absurdity, a “Customer Service Representative” might transform into a “Client Happiness Guru,” and a “Janitor” could become a “Sanitation Engineer.” Apparently, fancy titles can turn mundane tasks into mind-blowing feats of professional prowess.

The Clownish Font Selection

Step right up, folks, and behold the mesmerizing world of font choices! From classic Arial to funky Comic Sans, the right font can make or break your circus act. Some claim that using a quirky font showcases creativity, while others swear by the professional allure of traditional fonts. In this bizarre realm, even the most astute resume advice experts can’t decide whether to laugh or cry.

The Grand Illusion of the Employment Gap

Now, prepare to witness the grand illusion of the employment gap! Magically transform a year of soul-searching or an extended vacation into a “period of self-enlightenment” or “international exploration.” Abracadabra! No more gaps, just an epic adventure to impress hiring managers. As the saying goes, “What employment gap?”


Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve explored the absurd world of resume writing, where circus acts of brevity and detail, keyword stuffing, acrobat-like job titles, clownish font choices, and grand employment gap illusions reign supreme. In this whimsical land, job seekers must become masters of disguise and wordsmithing, all while maintaining a straight face.

As you embark on your next resume-writing adventure, remember that beneath the absurdity lies a valuable lesson; authenticity and honesty are the real showstoppers. Employers appreciate genuine, well-crafted resumes that showcase your skills and accomplishments without sacrificing your unique personality.

So, don your proverbial clown nose, embrace the quirky font, and dazzle them with your acrobatic achievements. After all, in the circus of resume writing, we’re all just a bunch of lovable clowns trying to stand out in the most amusing way possible.

Happy job hunting!

The Wild and Wacky World of Recruiting: An Unfiltered Look Inside

The Wild and Wacky World of Recruiting An Unfiltered Look Inside

Being a recruiter is like riding a roller coaster that never stops. It’s a whirlwind of resumes, interviews, and the occasional oddball candidate that leaves you scratching your head. Join us on this hilarious journey as we dive into the comical side of being a recruiter. Buckle up, because things are about to get wildly real!

The Resume Wonderland:

Recruiters have mastered the art of decoding resumes. We’ve seen it all, from the “professional cat whisperer” to the “world champion in procrastination.” We secretly hope for an occasional superhero or a Jedi knight in our candidate pool, but alas, those are as rare as a unicorn’s sneeze. Yet, we never fail to be amused by the creative ways people try to make their experience with paperclips and glitter sound impressive.

The Phone Screen Shuffle:

If you’re a recruiter, you know that scheduling phone screens can be an Olympic sport. You’d think that arranging a call with a candidate would be a straightforward task, but it’s more like solving a Rubik’s Cube. You’ve got time zones to consider, candidates who mysteriously disappear at the last minute, and those who seem to mistake their phone for a potato. And let’s not forget about the classic “I forgot we had a call scheduled” excuse. We could write a book filled with these shenanigans!

The Interview Circus:

Ah, the joy of interviews! It’s like watching a variety show with surprise acts. From the overly confident candidate who thinks they’re auditioning for a stand-up comedy gig to the one who brings their pet lizard along for moral support, you never know what you’re going to get. And let’s not overlook the awkward moments when a candidate accidentally spills coffee on themselves or tries to high-five you at the end of the interview. We’re professionals, but we have our fair share of belly laughs.

The Phantom Candidate:

Have you ever experienced a case of the phantom candidate? You spend hours going through resumes, conducting phone screens, and even setting up an interview only for the candidate to vanish into thin air. It’s like they were abducted by aliens or joined a secret society of ninjas. We’ve come up with various theories, ranging from them being trapped in a parallel dimension to enrolling in an intensive clown college. The truth is out there, but we’re too busy laughing to find it.

The Office Party Potpourri:

Recruiters know how to let loose at office parties. After dealing with the roller coaster ride of recruiting, we embrace the opportunity to dance like no one is watching (even though everyone is). We have the best stories to share, from the guy who mistook the HR manager for a pinata to the epic karaoke showdown where candidates outperformed the employees. Office parties remind us that we’re all in this crazy journey together.

That’s a Wrap:

Being a recruiter is an adventure filled with unforgettable characters, ridiculous situations, and an endless supply of laughter. We navigate the wild and wacky world of recruiting with a sense of humor, cherishing the moments that make us laugh until our sides ache. So, if you’re a recruiter, embrace the absurdity, keep your spirits high, and enjoy the ride. And remember, behind every funny story is a lesson waiting to be learned or a hilarious memory to treasure.